
历年来最霸气自信语录,有种自信美叫Jennifer Lawrence

BY flowerli
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Jennifer Lawrence 或许未必是传统的大美女,但她从不拘泥于大众的眼光,自信地自豪地活出自己的美丽曾被笑话是微胖的代表,但她不介意,更霸气地回应。还是独立女性主义者,她要求男女要公平对待,Jennifer Lawrence 能够收服大家的欢心除了凭精湛的演技外,还因为她那些自信而霸气的语录令,显示出Jennifer Lawrence的大智慧,绝不是好莱坞的花瓶。

Jennifer Lawrence 独特的美备受 Dior 所喜爱,一直以来都是 Dior 的品牌好友,最近为新季力推 Dior 手袋 95.22 款式拍摄宣传照,黑白色风格的照片,显出 Jennifer Lawrence 独特美态。

‘ I hate saying, ‘I like exercising’ — I want to punch people who say that.’


‘I never play characters that are like me because I’m a boring person. I wouldn’t want to see me in a movie.’

‘ I’m happy to meet people, give autographs, shake hands, and say ‘Thank you’. I wouldn’t have a job if people weren’t going to see my movies.’
「我很乐意跟粉丝们见面、签名拍照或是握手,然后说句 Thank You!因为没有他们大概我不会再有工作或是没人愿意看我的电影。」

‘ I’d rather look chubby on screen and like a person in real life.’

‘I’m excited to be seen as sexy. But not slutty.’

‘You can say, “This is part of my job, and this is going to be a reality of my life,” but what you don’t expect is how your body and how your emotions are going to react to it. Nobody wants to help us because it seems like, you know, “Shut up, millionaires!”‘

‘I’m a horrible dancer! I’m like a dad at prom. I look like Gumby getting electrocuted.’

‘You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that I fell and that’s really embarrassing, but thank you.’

If I don’t have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on.